Introduction Autologous costal cartilage is an excellent source of grafting material in the nose. It has several advantages when compared to other autologous grafts. First of all, it is versatile and can be carved into many different shapes and sizes depending on the patient’s deformity. It is also more abundant and usually stronger than other… [Read More]
Grafts and Graft Harvest
Irradiated Rib Grafts in Rhinoplasty
INTRODUCTIONIrradiated homologous rib grafts (IHRGs), might be an alternative for autologous cartilage grafts in case there is insufficient quantity-, or quality or when the shape of the autologous grafts is not adequate for a successful nasal reconstruction. IHRGs can be used to augment and/or to provide structural support in a recipient site. Alloplasts, like silicone,… [Read More]
Rib Grafts In Rhinoplasty
This lecture covers the use of rib grafts in Rhinoplasty. The rhinoplasty surgeon often encounters the need to utilize grafts when performing primary or revision surgery. Septal cartilage is typically the graft material of choice and this is especially true for primary cases. However, patients who have had prior nasal surgery or traumatic nasal collapse… [Read More]
Auricular Cartilage in Revision Rhinoplasty
ABSTRACT Revision rhinoplasty is a challenge in reconstruction to the rhinoplasty surgeon, both in the techniques of repair and the choice of implant material for augmentation grafting. Often, patients seeking revision or reconstructive rhinoplasty have previously undergone septoplasty with sacrifice of major amounts of septal cartilage. These situations confront the surgeon with the need for… [Read More]