Corresponding Author for Proof: Brian J.F. Wong MD, PhD Director, Fellowship in Facial Plastic Surgery University of California, Irvine 1002 Health Sciences Road Irvine, CA 92617 Phone: 949-463-2196 Financial Disclosures: The authors have nothing to disclose. Keywords: collapse, tensioning, tip, articulated alar rim grafts Introduction: The broad nasal tip is a common tip malformation… [Read More]
The Bulbous Tip
Introduction Central position of the nose on human face is an obvious fact frequently pointed out in rhinoplasty literature. Nasal tip, being the most prominent part of the nose, attracts the eye, making any imperfection in this region potential concern for a rhinoplasty patient. Broad, bulbous tip with its’ disproportion in width between the nasal… [Read More]
The Bulbous Nasal Tip: a review of current surgical techniques
ABSTRACT Objective: To review the described surgical techniques for addressing nasal tip bulbosity and present a novel application of a previously described technique.Study design: Review.Surgical Methods: Cephalic resection, suture techniques, grafting techniques, techniques involving transection of the dome or lateral crura, and lateral crura repositioning techniques.Conclusion: The surgical treatment of nasal tip bulbosity requires a… [Read More]